Hollywood star and former governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is known for his environmental interests and significant efforts for sustainable transport. Mr. Schwarzenegger now sends an exclusive video greeting in connection with the Green Motorists’ conference ”Mobility & Behavior” which the Swedish association is organizing in Karlstad on March 6th.
It is in conjunction with the fourth edition of the Green Motorists’ annual conference Mobility & Behavior in Sweden, that Arnold Schwarzenegger now sends his exclusive greeting. The conference puts an unique focus on climate smart mobility and behavioral changes to reach Sweden’s goal of fossil-independent road transport by 2030.
– Mobility & Behavior conference, what a great name this is, I love it! I’m gonna steal that idea for my guys, says Arnold Schwarzenegger.
During this year’s event, Christophe Najdovski, Deputy Mayor of Transportation and Public Space for the City of Paris, will participate as keynote speaker while the main focus of the conference is the exploration of similarities between cars and tobacco.
Arnold Schwarzenegger himself compares the fight against the fossil fuel industry with the fight against the tobacco industry. He advocates for warning signs on petrol pumps similar to the ones found on cigarette packages and welcomes the forthcoming climate and origin declaration of fuel in Sweden.
– I think it is so fantastic that you are the first country that is putting labels on the gas pumps. Because the people should know that when they pump gas they are contributing to the greenhouse gases. So in order to discourage people from doing that, let them all, everyone out there, be part of the crusade. They all should become crusaders, says Arnold Schwarzenegger.
In addition to sending a video greeting to the conference Mobility & Behavior in Karlstad, Arnold Schwarzenegger also invites Green Motorists to continued cooperation regarding climate labels on fuel pumps by taking part in his own annual conference, The Austrian World Summit in Vienna. With the famous words Hasta la Vista, Baby, the greeting ends. See the full version here.
Read more about the Green Motorists’ Conference Mobility & Behavior here and register by February 26 at the latest.
Green Motorists cooperate with the USC Schwarzenegger institute, Our Horizon and Think Beyond the Pump to spread the idea of climate labels at fuel pumps. You may read a discussion article on this in the San Francisco Chronicle.
For further information, contact:
Johanna Grant, Chairperson, The Swedish Association of Green Motorists, johanna.grant@gronamobilister.se
Martin Prieto Beaulieu, Secretary General, The Swedish Association of Green Motorists, martin.prieto.beualieu@gronamobilister.se