Swedish version with more information
In 2021, mandatory environmental declarations for transportation fuels were introduced in Sweden, following a long-term campaign by the Green Motorists. At larger fuel stations, an eco-label is attached to the filling device, showing the fuel’s climate impact, renewable share and the most important raw materials. A more complete account is provided on the retailer’s website, including the countries of origin of the raw materials. Electricity sold at some charging stations is included in the system.
The Green Motorists started to campaign for such eco-labels on all Swedish fuel dispensers already in spring 2013, using the watchword I Want to Know (Jag Vill Veta). The history of the initiative is long and winding, due to conflicting interests. Part of the Swedish fuel industry is still working to get rid of the labels. Read more about the reactions to the eco-labels and some initial evaluations on a separate page.
The minister who passed the bill speaks
Arnold Schwarzenegger praises the initiative
The winding road to eco-labels on Swedish fuel dispensers
In an elaborate article, the Swedish Association of Green Motorists summarizes the history of the eco-labels on Swedish fuel dispensers and charging stations. Some lessons from the political process are also discussed. Read more.
Considerable penetration of new eco-labels on Swedish fuel pumps
From October 1, 2021, Swedish fuel retailers must stick eco-labels to all pumps in larger fuel stations, showing the climate intensity and origin of the fuel. According to an evaluation in January 2022, the Green Motorists estimate that eco-labels are present at around 70 percent of all fuel stations in Sweden. However, they are present at only 2 percent of the charging stations. Read more.
The new eco-labels celebrated with a webinar
Swedish fuel dispensers now get mandatory eco-labels
From today, October 1, 2021, the climate intensity, renewable share, and origin of all kinds of transportation fuels must be disclosed on dispensers in Sweden. This is the world’s first mandatory eco-labels of this kind. Read more.
E.ON puts eco-labels on its biomethane filling stations in Sweden
In October 2020, the German energy company E.ON put eco-labels on their Swedish biomethane filling stations, showing the climate intensity, renewable share, and raw materials of the fuel. Similar eco-labels were introduced by the Swedish company Kraftringen earlier this year. E.ON and Kraftringen are the first companies in the world to offer such consumer information. Read more.
Kraftringen – The world’s first company to put eco-labels on their fuel pumps
Kraftringen is an energy company in southernmost Sweden. From July 6th 2020 there will be eco-labels on their biomethane and charging stations, showing the climate intensity, raw materials and origin of the fuel. To our best knowledge, Kraftringen is the first company in the world to offer such consumer information. Read more.
Swedish fuel dispensers soon get eco-labels
On August 9, 2018, the Swedish government passed an ordinance that forces fuel retailers to inform consumers on the dispenser about the climate intensity of their fuel, and also about its origin. After a series of delays, caused in part by protests from the EU commission, the eco-labels will be mandatory from October 1, 2021. Read more about the details of the labels here.