Voices and evaluations

Many authorities in climate, health, psychology, communication and policymaking call for sustainability labels on points of sale of fossil fuels. By themselves, such labels cannot be expected to have a decisive influence, but evidence for their potential effectiveness starts to accumulate. Read more about the reactions to sustainability labels and some initial evaluations here.

Experts call for climate and health labels on gas pumps

This call for climate and health labels on points of sale of fossil fuels is signed by 18 experts and stakeholders, including lead authors for the IPCC, advisors to the WHO and Californian lawmakers who paved the way for the electric car revolution. Read more.

Arnold Schwarzenegger praises the Swedish climate labels

Governor Schwarzenegger praises the decision to mandate eco-labels on Swedish fuel dispensers, with a color-coded climate impact rating showing fossil fuels at the highest risk level (red).

The minister who passed the Swedish eco-label bill speaks

As Minister for the Environment, Karolina Skog passed the bill in 2018 that forces all fuel retailers in Sweden to disclose the climate intensity and origin of their fuels at the pump or charging station. She encourages more countries to follow the Swedish example.

The case for sustainability labels on fuel dispensers

In this essay, The Swedish Green Motorists argue that eco-labels on fuel dispensers are needed, as well as climate change and health warning labels. We also present evidence that they are potentially effective and will be well received. Social psychologist Stylianos Syropoulos has contributed to this part of the text. Read more.

Webinar to celebrate the introduction of the Swedish eco-labels

The introduction of mandatory eco-labels on fuel dispensers all across Sweden was celebrated October 4th 2021 with a webinar. Similar initiatives in the U.S. and Great Britain were discussed with international guests, and ways to make the idea spread.

Testimony in support of climate & health information labels on gas pumps

In March 2023, the Hawaii Senate passed bill SB506, requiring climate change and health warning labels on gas pumps. Supportive testimony was submitted to the Hawaii Legislature not only from local stakeholders, but from international experts, several of whom are lead authors for the IPCC. Here we publish excerpts from some of these testimonies.

Hawaii must get its act together – to become the first state with climate change warnings on gas pumps

Per Östborn, The campaign manager of the Swedish Association of Green Motorists, argue that the decision was odd by the House Committee on Energy & Environmental Protection in the Hawaii Legislature to block climate and health labels on gas pumps. The lawmakers in Hawaii should revive the bill, making Hawaii an example for the world. Read More.

Cigarettes and cars – same same, but different

It is dangerous to burn tobacco and fossil fuels. But cars are useful, while cigarettes are not. Another difference: there is health information and warning labels on cigarettes packages, but nothing of the sort on fuel pumps – up until now. Read more.

Roundtable in Vienna

During the R20 Austrian World Summit in Vienna May 28-29th 2019 Karolina Skog, who passed the bill on eco-labels on Swedish fuel pumps, and the Green Motorists had the opportunity to talk to Arnold Schwarzenegger and a delegation from California. Read more.

Arnold Schwarzenegger sends exclusive greeting to Green Motorists

Hollywood star and former governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, is known for his environmental interests and significant efforts for sustainable transport. Mr. Schwarzenegger now sends an exclusive video greeting in connection with the Green Motorists’ conference ”Mobility & Behavior” Read more.

Impact of eco-labels on gas pumps

What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of the Swedish eco-labels? Will they affect the fuel market? Opinion polls and evaluation of similar energy labels provide clues. Read more.


Together with the campaign by Think Beyond the Pump and Our Horizon to bring warning labels to gas pumps in Cambridge, MA, the campaign for eco-labels on Swedish fuel pumps is highlighted as an inspiration at cool4climate.org, which is run by Oxford Climate Policy and the Environmental Change Institute.

Voices and evaluations